söndag 30 november 2008

Löptur i Hemlingby

Trist väder, lätt regn inte så inspirerande. Sprang Gästrikeleden från Hemlingby och sedan mot Johannelund vidare söderut på grusvägen under E4:an sedan vägen norrut tillbaka till Hemlingby. Tog 58 min och pulsen var runt 155 hela tiden. Dåligt tränad blev otroligt trött när jag hade duschat och tittade på längdskidåkningen från Finland.

fredag 28 november 2008

Morgonpass - Core

Små små övningar som inte är konditionskrävande alls men ack så smärtsamma! Bara en halvtimme som tur var.

onsdag 26 november 2008

Lunchträning på I14

Så var det dags att snöra på sig skorna igen efter drygt 3 veckors vila. Kändes lite konstigt och kallt, men så småningom fick jag iallafall upp värmen. Gick tungt i skogen och där det inte var spårat. Ca 10 min långsammare än vanligt. Var ute i 50 min. Nu är jag igång!

fredag 21 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 7

Back in Bangkok! Hot steamy, crowded and a mix of everything. Today we've been browsing China Town, very much to buy it's a pity we don't have a shop of some kind in Sweden. We travelled ,mostly by boat on the big river that floats through the city. Cheap and fast and sometimes easy to avoid paying the fee! Now we are going to the tailor to try out our 12 shirts, 6 for Lars and 6 for me. That will be interesting. Tonight there is a farewell party for the group we've been travelling with. Secret restaurant, hopefully not to boring and not so far away! Tomorrow we will spend our last bath in China Town it is really quite entertaining to walk there.

måndag 17 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 6

Now we're in paradise! Sun, warm water, sand, cold beer and a king size bed. Food is good. We are red like cooked crabs so tomorrow we will just sunbath the behinds. Books is consumed in a frightening speed so perhaps I will be without litterateur before we go back to Bangkok. There is not much to do besides bathing and enjoying the sun. The other tourists on the island are like a mixed candy-bag; red Englishmen, fat Americans and Germans, wealthy young Japanese and all other types of mankind of the world except Eskimo's. We are staying here for two more days if nothing exceptional takes place you won't here from us until we're back in Bangkok.

lördag 15 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 5

It's raining cats and dogs outside. Lars is talking to our fellow travellers at the moment,after four beers, not bad. The internet connection is not very fast, it took me 7 minutes to make a new post her at our blog. Skulls at killings field gave us the creaps and Phnom Phen has not risen any further since yesterday. We are all happy to go to Thailand tomorrow. Looking forward to laying on the beach and getting some tan. The guesthouse is OK and the beds and pillow not so hard as they were in Laos.

fredag 14 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 4

Traffic, traffic and even more traffic. Phnom Phen is a mess concerning almost everything, beggers and sellers everywhere. Sometimes we long for the order of and predictable life in Sweden. This morning we travelled by bus from Siam Reap to Phnom Phen it took six hours. A lunchstop on the way in a rather dubios place. We ate som noodles with chicken and now Lars is having trouble with his stommach again. I will probably follow later but hope is a strong feeling! Tomorrow we will go to Killing fields outside Phnom Phen where the red kmers buried lots of cambodians. I drink mostly coke which I normally hate but better than beer all the time. I get drunk from one bottle. Just now I sip on a cup of tea with fresh milk. Not to bad actually. Now I going to read some swedish newspaper to see if anything is happening back home.

onsdag 12 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 3

In Siem Reap confused, hot and steamy. A giant market like everywhere, are we tired of them yes! We have eaten good food and also have had a tea and coffee now we don't really know what to do. Tomorrow will be the day of Angkor Vat and everything around the temple. Yesterday we took a 5-hour bicycle hike in Laos. It was the best so far during this trip. Good (mostly) roads good guides, and beautiful scenery. We also enjoyed a game of boule with the local people in a village. The rules were made so that we, the tourists would loose. So that we did. Yesterday evening was Lars a little bit to drunk to the partners no-delight. I would call it distress but whatever, a little bit is of course no where near the truth! We had a barbeque dinner which was nice, we cooked our own meal at the table. Be back with further notes in Phnom Phen.

söndag 9 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 2

We've been to Burma there we could buy almost everything. Lars was followed by a guy who tried to make him buy cigarettes for over an hour. We bought some fake t-shirts for app 40 skr/st
Then we have been down with puking and diarrea so the trip along the big mekongriver was not very pleasant for us. Now Lars eats at every place where he can to catch up. Me I prefer drinking black hot tea, hard to find blueberrysoup around here. We have also been riding elephants in the djungle and eating in a tribehut in there somewhere. They also had solar panel for their tv. Bading in a waterfall and so on. We are in Luang Trabang at the moment and its about 30 degrees in the shade. We think about you occationally in cold cold sweden. We are having a nice time so far :)

onsdag 5 november 2008

3 weeks holiday in Asia report 1

In northern Thailand, ie Chiang Rai. We live at the Diamond Park Inn it's not half as fancy as that sounds! But good beer in the minibar only cost 90 baht (~20 kr) and hot water in the shower makes living very nice. Sleep is a problem for M but yesterday a lady in our group gave me a sleeping pill so today I'm myself again. L sleeeps all the time everywhere no matter what. Sometimes life is unfair. Today we went on a elephant riding tour through the hilly jungle. The elephants were like Volvo BM machines, going up every slippery path without any stops, they had self-controlled water and food supply along the way. We ate lunch in a tribe family's livingroom ie a mat on their terrass on the meny was among ateable things snake and wormpate. It looked like a shed but they had a solar panel outside and of course a TV! We cannot write any further today due to considerable need of Thai-beer and food.

Lars o Mona